The Preparation
Sanding floors creates dust. When you prepare your home for the sanding process, be sure that all your furniture is properly covered and all areas are sealed. The more preparation you do before the job commences, the less dust you will have to deal with afterwards.

The Sanding
Your floor will be sanded several times, with different grades of paper. The first sanding will be with a very rough grade of paper, and this will remove any existing finish, along with a pretty thick layer of floor, in order to expose bare wood. The sanding is then done using finer and finer grades of paper until the floor is very smooth. This will create a nice level surface for the application of the finish.

SHF pays special attention to detail. Using an edging sander, we will very carefully sand up along the walls. Hard to reach places will be sanded by hand until the entire floor is ready to be finished.

The Buffing
Before the first layer is applied, the floor must be buffed with a buffing machine in order to prepare the floor and remove any unseen scratches. It is impossible to see all the scratches when the finish is removed, and when the new finish will be applied the scratches will be highlighted. Buffing is also essential between coats. Between  application of the finish coats, the wood floor must be buffed in order to smooth the small pieces ("the crumbs") and achieve maximum smoothness